All first time and new students are invited to enjoy one free class!
This will allow you to experience our wonderful teachers and community for yourself, and will ensure that your dancer ends up in the best class for them!
Request your free class using this short information form!

Returning Student? 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at and we'll be happy to help!

As part of the registration process, new families must first create a DanceWorks account. After establishing an account, you may select your classes. All classes are subject to a minimum/maximum enrollment.

Your registration will be reviewed by Emerald Ballet staff within 2-3 business days to ensure that classes are appropriate. Once your registration request has been approved, we will email you a class confirmation and account statement.

The registration fee for year-round students is $30 and $10 for each additional sibling. This non-refundable fee is paid at the time of registration and is due only once per academic year. Summer students pay $20 and $10 for each sibling.